4WD Waiver Form

DISCLAIMER: “Arrabri Ski Club Inc”, “Trip Leaders” (the “Organisers”) are not responsible for your safety. Outdoor activities are inherently dangerous. By signing up for our “4WD Trips”, you agree to release “Arrabri Ski Club Inc” and its “Organisers” from any responsibility, liability or claim in law or in equity. If you DON’T agree to these terms, DO NOT JOIN this Trip. “Arrabri Ski Club Inc” doesn’t certify or verify the expertise of the “Trip Leaders” and “Organisers”. All “Trip Leaders” and “Organisers” in “Arrabri Ski Club Inc” are volunteers. They are not accredited in motor vehicle recovery, techniques nor holds themselves out to be such an accredited person. You are responsible for your own safety and vehicle safety. All tag along trips are driven on gazetted roads and there is no charge for the trips, just a cost for lunch that is provided for both days.


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